HR Practice Management Software System

Businesses can efficiently manage their HR department from a single dashboard. You can also track time, expenses, records, accounts payables, and receivables.

Professional Practice Management Software for Human Resources

Professional Practice Management Software for Human Resources

QuickstartAdmin is an intuitive, easy-to-use, and affordable HR practice management platform. It improves the recruiting process's effectiveness and efficiency by combining the industry best practices, team collaboration, and analytics. It provides you with all the relevant information required by the HR department to make the right decision.

QSA is a one-stop solution that provides detailed metrics and insights to the HR department for a proficient recruitment process. The cloud-based HR practice management software provides a detailed record of employees, attendance, leave management, compensation, succession planning, and reporting. It helps improvise the candidate experience and automates the HR processes to saves time. It makes sure you can focus more on what's essential for your organization, which is your people and their growth, rather than managing the HR process.

Key Features of HR Practice Management Software

These insights into the exclusive and intricate functions will help you make the right choice by choosing QSA as your HR practice management program.

Employee Record Management

Employee Record Management

This feature allows you to create an in-depth record of your employees, their academic credentials, other important documents, etc. The software helps maintain all of the staff's main documents on this robust platform. The authorized personnel can use this intuitive feature to access the information of any employee at any time.

Performance Management

Performance Management

QSA keeps track of employees' time and billable hours and helps management and HR to make an informed decision based on these records. This saves expenses while ensuring client satisfaction, resulting in higher client retention.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

The HR department's role includes many responsibilities. Designing the compensation structure is one of the key functions of this department. To reduce complications related to payroll development, QSA empowers the HR department to develop an effective payroll structure.

Leave Management

Leave Management

QSA makes sure that every employee is compliant with the organization's adopted leave policy. An employee can generate leave requests at any point in time, and the employee can track the status of the leave request if it is accepted or rejected.

Attendance Management

Attendance Management

The chaotic task of maintaining every employee's attendance is managed effortlessly using the Cloud-based practice management system. It enables the employer to track the employee in and out time using the QSA employer dashboard.

Online Reporting

Online Reporting

QSA offers a comprehensive suite for accurate reporting, which enables users to produce informative reports at any time, and maintains a thorough record of reports to make them conveniently, efficiently, and effortlessly available.

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QuickstartAdmin is a comprehensive suite of tools that efficiently manage your professional practice's day-to-day operations. This cloud-based system provides remote tracking capabilities, so you can monitor your practice from anywhere across the globe and can hire the best professionals. With our easy-to-use dashboard and multi-user support which help increase the overall productivity of your business. QSA helps you keep track of employee tasks, total expenses incurred, manage your clients and schedules and also keep a watch on real-time project updates.